
Chapter 8 | Data Structures

Abstract Data types or more colloquially data stuructures, are the complex items of information.


libraries are the collections of some fragments available to user programmer

Such program fragments are called subroutines, or alternatively, procedures, or in C terminology, functions.

Call / Return Mechanism

We uses the call/return mechanism to direct the computer each time via the call instruction to the code A, and after the computer execute the code A, to the return instruction to the proper next instruction to be executed in the program.

caller is the program that contains the call.

callee is the subroutine that contains the return.


JSR stands for Jump to SubRoutine.

Opcode \(\text{[15:12]} = 0100\)


  • \(\text{[11]}\) : Specification digit of addressing mode
    • JSR (PC-relative) | if its value is 1
      • the second operand is obtained by sign-extending bits \(\text{[10:0]}\) to 16 bits.
    • JSRR (Base Register) | if its value is0
      • the second operands is the value in SR2 specified by bits \(\text{[8:6]}\).
      • \(\text{[10:9], [5,0]}\) must be 0.


\[ \begin{aligned} \text{R7} &=&& \text{Incremented PC} \\ \text{PC} &=&& \text{BaseR}\\ \text{or} &=&& \text{Incremented PC} + \text{SEXT(PCoffset11)} \end{aligned} \]

Condition Codes ❎



Opcode \(\text{[15:12]} = 1100\)


  • \(\text{[11:0]}\) : must be 000 111 000000


\[ \text{PC} = \text{R7} \]

Condition Codes ❎


Saving and Restoring Registers

If a value in a register will be needed after someting else is stored in that register, we must save it before something else happens and restore it before it can be subsequently used.

A register value is saved by storing it in memory, and is restored by loading it back into the register.

callee save means the save/restore problem is handled by the callee.

caller save means the save/restore problem is handled by the caller. e.g. R7

The Stack

Property / Stack Protocol

The last thing stored in the stack is the first thing to remove.

Simply put : Last In, First Out, or LIFO.


stack pointer, sp

It keeps track of the top of the stack. In LC-3, R6 is the stack pointer.


The values inserted into the stack are stored in memory locations having decreasing addresses. We say the stack grows toward zero.


push a value onto the stack.

overflow : we can't push values where there is no space.

R5 is used to indicatie success (R5 = 0) or failure (R5 = 1) information.

; push the value in R0 onto the stack.
PUSH        ST      R1, PUSH_SAVE1

            LD      R1, STACK_MAX
            NOT     R1, R1
            ADD     R1, R1, #1
            ADD     R1, R1, R6
            BRz     OVERFLOW

            ADD     R6, R6, #-1
            STR     R0, R6, #0
            AND     R5, R5, #0

            LD      R1, PUSH_SAVE1

OVERFLOW    AND     R5, R5, #0
            ADD     R5, R5, #1

            LD      R1, PUSH_SAVE1

STACK_MAX   .FILL       ADDR                ; the topmost address of stack
PUSH_SAVE1  .BLKW       #1


pop a value from the stack.

underflow : we can't pop values when the stack is empty.

R5 is used to indicatie success (R5 = 0) or failure (R5 = 1) information.

; Lazy Pop, without delete the element
; pop the value from the stack into R0.
POP         LD      R0, STACK_BASE
            NOT     R0, R0
            ADD     R0, R0, #1
            ADD     R0, R0, R6
            BRz     UNDERFLOW

            LDR     R0, R6, #0
            ADD     R6, R6, #1
            AND     R5, R5, #0
UNDERFLOW   AND     R5, R5, #0
            ADD     R5, R5, #1

STACK_BASE  .FILL       ADDR            ; the bottommost address of the stack


Recursion is a mechanism for expressing a function in terms of itself.

Stack is used to implement the recursion. It stores the return linkage R7, the values used to solve the problem, and the other values concerning the save/restore problem.


; Suppose we have MUL instruction.
FACT        ADD     R6, R6, #-1
            STR     R1, R6, #0              ; Push caller's R1

            ADD     R1, R0, #-1
            BRz     BASE_CASE               ; n = 1 is the base case.

            ADD     R6, R6, #-1
            STR     R7, R6, #0              ; Push return linkage
            ADD     R6, R6, #-1
            STR     R0, R6, R0              ; Push n

            ADD     R0, R0, #-1
            JSR     FACT

            LDR     R1, R6, #0
            ADD     R6, R6, #1              : Pop n
            MUL     R0, R0, R1              ; R0 <- n * (n - 1)!

            LDR     R7, R6, #0
            ADD     R6, R6, #1              ; Pop return linkage

BASE_CASE   LDR     R1, R6, #0
            ADD     R6, R6, #1              ; Pop caller's R1


the stack during two instances of executing the FACT subroutine

The Queue


First in First Out, FIFO.


FRONT pointer & REAR pointer

In LC-3, R3 is the FRONT pointer and R4 is the REAR pointer.

Remove from Front & Insert at Rear

Considering wrap around, underflow and overflow.

R5 is used to indicatie success (R5 = 0) or failure (R5 = 1) information.

; don't consider queue initiation!

INSERT          ST      R1, QUQUE_SAVE1
                AND     R5, R5, #0

                LD      R1, NEG_LAST
                ADD     R1, R1, R4
                BRnp    INSERT_SKIP_1
                LD      R4, FIRST           ; Wrap around, R4 <- FIRST
                BRnzp   INSERT_SKIP_2
INSERT_SKIP_1   ADD     R4, R4, #1          ; No wrap around, R4 <- R4 + 1

INSERT_SKIP_2   NOT     R1, R4
                ADD     R1, R1, #1          ; R1 = - REAR
                ADD     R1, R1, R3          ; R1 <- FRONT - REAR
                BRz     OVERFLOW

                STR     R0, R4, #0          ; Do the insert
                BRnzp   INSERT_DONE

                ADD     R1, R1, R4
                BRnp    INSERT_SKIP_3
                LD      R4, LAST            ; Wrap around, R4 <- LAST
                BRnzp   INSERT_SKIP_4
INSERT_SKIP_3   ADD     R4, R4, #-1         ; No wrap around, R4 <- R4 - 1

INSERT_SKIP_4   ADD     R5, R5, #1

INSERT_DONE     LD      R1, QUEUE_SAVE1              

REMOVE          ST      R1, QUQUE_SAVE1
                AND     R5, R5, #0

                NOT     R1, R4
                ADD     R1, R1, #1          ; R1 = - REAR
                ADD     R1, R1, R3          ; R1 = FRONT - REAR
                BRz     UNDERFLOW

                LD      R1, NEG_LAST
                ADD     R1, R1, R3
                BRnp    REMOVE_SKIP_1
                LD      R3, FIRST           ; Wrap around, R3 <- FIRST
                BRnzp   REMOVE_SKIP_2
REMOVE_SKIP_1   ADD     R3, R3, #1          ; No wrap around, R3 <- R3 + 1

REMOVE_SKIP_2   LDR     R0, R3, #0          ; Do the remove
                BRnzp   REMOVE_DONE

UNDERFLOW       ADD     R5, R5, #1


LAST            .FILL       ADDR1   ; the topmost memory space
NEG_LAST        .FILL       -ADDR1
FIRST           .FILL       ADDR2   ; the bottommost memory space
NEG_FIRST       .FILL       -ADDR2
QUEUE_SAVE1     .BLKW       1

How many elements can be stored in a Queue?

In order to differentiate the full queue and the empty queue, we only allow a queue to store only\(n - 1\)elements if\(n\)`elements has been allocated.

A queue is full when there are\(n - 1\)elements in the queue, i.e. FRONT - 1 == REAR.

A queue if full when FRONT == REAR.

Character Strings

A one-dimensional array of ASCII codes, and at the end the null character \(\text{x0000}\) indicates the end of the character string.

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创建日期: 2024.02.21 00:56:50 CST